Park Residences at Minoru (Phase 1)

7333 – 7399 Murdoch Avenue, Richmond, BC

Park Residences bridges the gap between Richmond Center Mall and Minoru Park and will be, when completed, one of Richmond’s finest residential developments. Three more residential towers, bordering Minoru Park, are to follow.

The easternmost tower (closest to Richmond Center Mall) consists of 132 rental housing units. The first three floors of residential units are dedicated to independent seniors living. The westernmost tower (closer to the park) consists of 85 strata units. There are also four strata townhomes fronting Murdoch Avenue.

The building is noted for its distinctive corner glass elements at the major street corners, and the large protected balconies cut into the distinctive concrete grid of the façade. The recessed balconies under cover are good for outdoor living all year round.


Photography by Jeremy Segal

  • Residential
  • 205,000 sq ft
  • 221 residential units
  • Completed 2016