Quintet 1

5911 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC

Quintet, located at the centre of Richmond, has transformed a city block to a high density residential mixed-use community where work, home and play all coexist while supporting each other sustainably.
Four strategies are central to the Quintet Phase 1 design: anchoring the east end of the site, defining the podium level edges around a courtyard, making the No. 3 Rd. street wall a transition from high-rise forms to the north to mid-rise forms to the south and hiding the parkade while engaging street level activity.

The street level landscape design at the base of the building fosters pedestrian interaction, an important gesture to engage the passerby with uses in and around the building.  Water features, green walls, benches and townhouse entries add small scale elements to enhance the pedestrian experience.

The architectural vocabulary uses colour, framed façade elevations and recessed balconies where similar elements are deployed in manners specific to the individual buildings giving each its own expression.

For the residents of Quintet, the central feature is the courtyard ‘secret garden’, an urban oasis designed as a walk through many ‘rooms’ of changing landscape treatment, extending from Phase 1 into Phase 2.


Photography by Gavin Mackenzie

  • Mixed Use
  • 2 residential towers
  • 292 dwelling units
  • 10,000 sq ft commercial
  • Completed 2013